
Legal notice / information in accordance with §5 TMG und §55 RStV

TMG = Telemediengesetz
RStV = Rundfunkstaatsvertrag


Publisher / Provider pursuant to § 5 TMG and § 55 para textual responsibility RStV paragraph 2:


Schule fuer mittelalterlichen Schwertschaukampf Unternehmergesellschaft (haftungsbeschränkt)

Headquarter: Hermann Loens-Street 7e, 24558 Henstedt-Ulzburg, Germany


Registered at the Amtsgericht Kiel,
Trade register Number: HRB 11 448 AI
Tax number: 11/291/05085


Managing Director: 
Heiko Schulze
Mobile: +49 176 48 20 45 07
Telephone accessibility from 08:00 to 21:00 o’clock / Berlin time


E-mail: info@schwertschaukampf.

Internet: / / / / http:// / / / /


Responsibility for content:

Heiko Schulze


Liability insurance:

For the School of medieval sword playing a business liability insurance is in one of the biggest German insurer.


All published texts, images and information are copyright of the author. Any reproduction in whole or in part, without the prior written permission is granted by the author. The author is not liable for any direct or indirect damages, including lost profits, the result of incorrect information or otherwise in connection with information which are provided on this website.

The author reserves the right, without prior notice, changes or additions to the information provided. The author tries to provide, within reasonable limits, to provide on this website is accurate and complete information available. The author assumes no liability for the timeliness and completeness of the information published on this website.

This also applies to all links (or Hyperlinks_impress "links_impress") on this website refers directly or indirectly. The author is responsible for the content of a page that is accessed via such a link is not responsible.

The Hamburg Regional Court has in its ruling of 12 May 1998 that all website owners share responsibility if the contents of any linked websites, unless they distance themselves explicitly from the content and design. Hereby expressly dissociates itself the owner of content and design of all linked web pages, as he has no influence.


Many of the photos are self produced. And we strive to continue to replace all the photos shown here by their own images. See also the link image rights on this website. Some of the photos we have received of the free photo database. Others came from floor: xchnge. These are the photos are "free photos".

Some of the photos come from the manufacturers (Leonardo Carbone and Fabri Armorum).



© 2025 Alle Urheberrechte liegen bei der Schule für mittelalterlichen Schwertschaukampf Unternehmergesellschaft (haftungsbeschränkt)
Geschäftsführer: Heiko Schulze - Hermann-Löns-Straße 7e - 24558 Henstedt-Ulzburg 
Telefon +49 176 48 20 45 07

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