Mit Schwertschaukampf auf


SSK-Kämpfer unterwegs


Do you have any desire to experience the medieval ages, to fight with a sword, and to have fun doing so? Then your search has come to an end here, because you have found what you were looking for.

As you can see, this page is still under construction. Still, we would like to present our school for medieval exhibition sword fight to our English speaking fans and visitors as soon as possible, so you have an early version here. Please have a little patience and simply return to this page regularly as we update it regularly.

You can also visit our German site .

This is the place to get informed about our school, medieval swords, and how to fight / act with the sword.

We are fighters, or may be considered as actors as well, and have the ability as well as the equipment to stage realistic fights between either two combatants or as many as needed at one time, without anyone getting hurt. Our combats are “real” fights and there is no choreography but it is also very safe as there are rules and, you could say, clearly similarities to dancing, where one partner always has to indicate what he expects from the other. Therefore our single combats and battles always look very spectacular but – at the same time – are easy to learn and safe. One weekend course may be enough to acquire the most important techniques on a basic level. However, it is hard work, which involves a lot of training, to really master the sword and make a fight seem natural and exciting.




Are you interested in learning these techniques?

Here you have the opportunity to book a coach for you and / or your friends. Simply send an inquiry with as detailed an information as possible to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. and we will be more than happy to contact you as soon as possible with a concept and an estimate of costs.Of course you can also visit us in Germany. We offer courses regularly and often participate in medieval festivals, where you can enjoy our exciting and spectacular shows.

If you contact us with your idea or offer, we will see what we can do for you.




You want to make a movie/film and you need a lot of fighters who can not only fight terrifically but also bring their medieval dress and their own sword?

Then you are right here.

In a quite short period of time we can activate up to 100 fearsome fighters for you and your movie. We are not joking; that’s just a fact. Test us!

Or do you want to train your main characters or extras for a movie containing sword fights?

We really only need up to one week of intensive training to change your peaceful actor to an awesome and intimidating knight, who will fight the most spectacular battles for you. Really!




By now we are looking back to quite some years of cooperation with a number of excellent blacksmiths, who work on an extremely high quality. This is absolutely necessary as our swords need to withstand hard blows and for financial and security reasons we cannot afford breakings.

We operate as merchant and contact the blacksmiths for you.

On our website you can assemble your sword according to your own ideas and imagination. Almost anything is possible for a reasonable price. You can get your hard-wearing sword for less than € 300.

Our blacksmiths can also accommodate you with more special wishes, like specially designed handles or inscribed blades. There are almost no limits to your ideas. Just contact us with a description, and – if necessary – a picture and we will see what we can do for you.



Medieval city festivals:
Your city is planning a medieval festival?
You are still looking for a fascinating and impressing show act?

You can book us for your festival. Our group is very large, by now we have more than 100 active fighters, who also bring their families (e.g. sweet children dressed in medieval clothing).
In the up to 24 tents we bring to keep our equipment and to sleep, our camp alone can already give your visitors a lively impression of medieval life.

We offer show fights (both single combats and battles) and fire shows. But not only that: We give the visitors the opportunity not only to touch a sword but also to try it and learn some of the basic techniques within half an hour. On such invitations we have already been to Romania, Finland and Denmark. We are also ready to travel round the world for you!


You have any suggestions, ideas or questions? Then, please send us an email to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein.
We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Your team from the School for Medieval Exhibition Sword Fight

© 2025 Alle Urheberrechte liegen bei der Schule für mittelalterlichen Schwertschaukampf Unternehmergesellschaft (haftungsbeschränkt)
Geschäftsführer: Heiko Schulze - Hermann-Löns-Straße 7e - 24558 Henstedt-Ulzburg 
Telefon +49 176 48 20 45 07

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